
Oct 2023

Click here for our latest newsletter Our First Reading this week is from Isaiah 45:1,4-6: The Lord chooses Cyrus to subdue the nations for the sake of Israel. The Responsorial Psalm is Psalm 96: Sing praise to the Lord. Today’s Second Reading is 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5: Paul greets the Thessalonians, recalling the Gospel they received.Our Gospel Reading this Sunday is from Matthew 22:15-21: The Pharisees send their disciples to test Jesus with a question about taxes.In today’s Gospel Jesus and the religious leaders in Jerusalem continue their tense exchange of questions and......

Oct 2023
Sunday Bible Study in person - 29 October

Dear friends, on Sunday October 29th we will be gathering “in person” to do our Bible Study. It will be at 2pm in St Clare’s Hall just after the coffee and tea gathering after mass. That day Father John will develop the theme of Discipleship in the Gospel of Mark. St Mark is theshortest Gospel but it is full of insights on how Jesus wants us to become disciples and followers of his. Come and join us and bring some food and drinks to share....

Oct 2023

Click here for our latest newsletter In today’s First Reading we read from Isaiah 25:6-10: The Lord will provide richly for his people.The Responsorial Psalm is from Psalm 23: The Lord is our shepherd.Our Second Reading is Philippians 4:12-14,19-20: Paul tells the Philippians that God provides whatever he needs.This Sunday’s Gospel Reading is Matthew 22:1-14: Jesus compares the kingdom of heaven to a wedding feast.Immediately after criticizing the religious leaders through the parable of the tenants in last Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus proceeded to tell another parable, again directed at the religious leaders.......

Oct 2023

Click here for our latest newsletter The First Reading this Sunday is from Isaiah 5:1-7: The Lord compares the house of Israel to a vineyard. The Responsorial Psalm is taken from Psalm 80: The Lord protects his vineyard, the house of Israel. Our Second Reading today is Philippians 4:6-9: Paul encourages the Philippians to stay faithful to the teaching they received from him. This Sunday’s Gospel Reading is from Matthew 21:33-43: Jesus tells the parable about the wicked tenants.In today’s Gospel, Jesus once again speaks to the priests and elders with a......

Sep 2023

Click here for our latest newsletter Our First Reading this week is from Ezekiel 18:25-28: It is possible to turn from sin and preserve one’s life.The Responsorial Psalm is from Psalm 25: A prayer to God for mercy.Today’s Second Reading is taken from Philippians 2:1-11: Be like Christ who humbled himself and was exalted by God.This Sunday’s Gospel Reading is Matthew 21:28-32: Jesus poses a question to the chief priests and elders on the meaning of obedience. Jesus questions the priests and elders through the parable we hear in today’s Gospel. The......

Sep 2023
Know Your Faith (also known as Symbolon) - begins 13 October 2014

One of the major challenges today in making our faithful Catholics stronger in theirfaith is by providing them with a solid formation. When you get to know your Faithbetter it affects everything in your life in a positive way, how you pray, how you readthe Bible, how you experience the mass and how you share your faith with others,especially when people or family members ask challenging questions to you. EveryFriday night from Friday October 13 we will be gathering to deepen, share andstudy important aspects of our faith. The online gathering begins......

Sep 2023
New Time of 4pm for our Sunday Bible Study

This year our online Sunday Bible Study will start later in the afternoon at 4pm.(Please note the change form 2pm last year). This semester, beginning September 24th, we will be studying The Eucharist in the Bible from Genesis to the Book of Revelation.Join us on the Zoom link:

Sep 2023

Click here for our latest newsletter Our First Reading this week is from Isaiah 55:6-9: God’s ways are far beyond the ways of human beings. The Responsorial Psalm is from Psalm 145: God is near to those who call upon him. The Second Reading is taken from Philippians 1:20c24,27a: Paul tells the Philippians to live for Christ. This Sunday’s Gospel Reading is Matthew 20:1-16: In the parable of the workers in the vineyard, Jesus teaches about God’s generous mercy. On the surface, the parable of the workers in the vineyard appears to......

Sep 2023

Click here for our latest newsletter Evangelii Gaudium Day Our First Reading this Sunday is from Sirach 27:30—28:9: Those who seek God’s mercy must be merciful toward others. The Responsorial Psalm is from Psalm 103: A song of praise to God who is kind and merciful. This week’s Second Reading is Romans 14:7-9: We belong to the Lord. Today’s Gospel Reading is taken from Matthew 18:21-35: Jesus teaches that we must forgive one another as God has forgiven us. A New Pastoral Year Begins Dear friends, another school and pastoral year has......