Newsletter — Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year C 19th January 2025

Peace Day

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The sign at Cana in Galillee (Jn 2,1:11)

Marriage and wedding feasts are metaphors used in Scripture to describe God’s salvation and the Kingdom of God. By narrating the transformation of water in wine at Cana at the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry, John’s Gospel seeks to establish that Jesus is going to re-interpret and fulfil Yahweh’s promise to Israel. Jesus establishes the New Covenant.

A hint about what this New Covenant will be like is made evident in the deed that Jesus performs. Asked to do something to address the awkward situation that the absence of wine at a wedding feast would create, Jesus’ miracle produces vast quantities of wine—six jars holding thirty gallons each are filled to overflowing with choice wine. This prefigures the Eucharist, when Jesus transforms wine into his Precious Blood and bread into his Body.

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