Newsletter — Twenty-Ninth Sunday of the Year B – 20th October 2024

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“Grant that in your glory we may sit one at your right and the other at your left.”

What a striking request James and John make to Jesus!
Perhaps we are a little shocked when we hear their bold request. But we cannot judge
them because we do not know what was really going on in their hearts at that time.
It is actually a beautiful thing for them to desire to be close to Jesus and to sit next to
Him. May we all have that desire! It shows their love for Jesus.

When the other disciples heard what James and John wanted, they were angry with
James and John. Perhaps the other disciples were jealous. Maybe they suspected that
John and James were acting out of pride or selfishness.

What about you? Would you like to sit next to Jesus? Would you be bold enough to ask
Jesus for it?

Then let us listen to Jesus’ answer:
“Whoever wants to be first among you must be servant of all.”

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