Trending WhatsApp Hack !

Trending WhatsApp Hack !


OTP – One Time Password

A few parishioners have fallen victim to this hack. So much so the parish leadership has decided to fight back. WhatsApp is a end to end, fully encrypted social media application. What this means is that between your device and the person you are communicating with, is totally secure. However, the single point of failure, and this is not a criticism, is the the persons at either end. Hackers know this and totally exploits this. As users of the technology, we need to make sure we understand what we, as users, are up against. You do not need to be tech savvy to use these applications. The actual hack is not technical. It is totally reliant on the information that you hold. No self respecting organisation or individual (especially someone you do not know) will ever ask you for information that you hold. The problem here is that the hacker will try and confuse you, stress you and make you feel that they are part of something you belong to. You hold the power to break their plan.

I have spoken to a few victims and I have worked out what the hacker is after. First I will go through the conversation that happens before the hack begins. This should make you familiar with the script that they follow. Please bear in mind that the hack does not start with you. For them to get your number, they would need to have successfully hacked someone before you, who has your details. Be it a group membership or just contact details. You can stop them in their tracks. This I will cover later in this post.


What we have here is the HACKER, the VICTIM and the CONTACTs

Without your knowledge, a person in the same group as you or in your contacts list will have had the WhatsApp account compromised. The hacker will systematically go through the contacts list and request money to help them in a certain way. You will receive a call from a random person claiming to be in one of you groups. Insisting that he does not have the code to enter into a Conference call with you in a particular group call that is about to happen.

Hacker: Hello my name is Mohammed. (8:15pm he will make it sound like an urgent call. Claiming that he is about to join a Zoom call and he is unable. He will mention a group name that you belong to , to try and make you feel that he is someone you should know. He will have some information as who ever he hacked previously, he would have gone through their chat history.)

Victim: Oh you are part of that group. OK ! (Victim not sure but is confused as the hacker seems to have quite a bit of information and the hacker seems that he is in a hurry to join a fictitious meeting that he does not want to be late for.)

Hacker: I am trying to join the meeting. You would have received a number of me trying to join. Can you read it out to me please so that I can join. (At this point the hacker is trying to log into YOUR WhatsApp and needs the pin to take over your account. When you log into WhatsApp on a different device it will send you a pin\OTP to access your account on that device. The hacker will then try to pressure to give him that PIN. He will imply that this is part of Zoom and that if he does not have this PIN he cannot join the meeting. As the pressure is on and you do not want to stop this person from being excluded from the meeting you feel pressured to give the number. This number might be in your TXT, or in an email. Both these messages are not visible to the hacker Hence, he will try to fool you to give it to him. He may also try to get you to repeat it or send a photo of it to him.)

Once you have given them the number your WhatsApp is gone. They will take over your account and there is initially nothing you can do. They will then go through your contacts and your private messages. They do not care who you are. They do not know who you are or what your contact are to you. all they are after is money. They will then ask everyone in you contact list for money. It seems to vary between £500 and £800. The problem here is that some contacts may send money, because of who you are to them, without thinking. It is human nature that we want to help !

Hacker: Hi You Good

Contact: Hello, I am good

Hacker: Actually I need a little favour from you really urgent

Contact: OK

Hacker: I’m trying to transfer money to someone but my transfer isn’t working right now I don’t know if you can help me to make the transfer I will send it back to you tomorrow morning please once I get my Bank sorted.

Contact: How much ?

Hacker: £500

The minute someone asks you for money, especially if they do not ask for money normally, be very suspicious ! ALWAYS call the person to clarify.

This is getting very popular and once they have your details you will need to cleanse !

The BAD news is that people will send money. The hacker has access the you private and personal message, if only briefly. You will need to be added back to groups you used to belong to. The stress lingers !

The good news is that most people WILL get their money back. Your account can be returned to you, if you act quickly.


Never Never Never give anyone your PIN or the OTP (One Time Password) This will stop them in their tracks

Always be sure that you know who your talking to

If you get a message from someone you know asking for anything:
1) Call them and verify
2) Do not send anything unless you have the actually bank details of the contact
3) Ask the person who they are and ask them who you are. If they know you this will not be an issue. However, the hacker will not have this information
4) You can ask them where they want the money to go
5) If you think you have been hacked, let all contacts know as soon as possible.
This can be very stressful.

6) Guard anything you receive through TXT or email. This is sent to you as this is the only way WhatsApp has to verify you.
7) If you do not know who is calling, Please politely say good bye !
8) If you think you have been contacted by a hacker let your group memberships know.
9) If you are an admin on any site then remove hacked users from those groups that you are admin of. This is to ensure that the hacker cannot read anymore new messages
10) If you are a member of any Parish groups, let the parish know ASAP !

Alternatively you can password protect you WhatsApp and then enable two factor authentication. Some people might find this a challenge but so will the hacker. Most sites are now utilising two factor authentication.

This list is not exhaustive but I will update when I have more suggestions.


W. W


Some of our parish WhatsApp groups have been hacked on Thursday 9th January 2025. At least 6 people in the parish have had their WhatsApp account stolen. These people still appear under their name on WhatsApp, but it is actually a hacker reading and sending messages.
The hacker (pretending to be someone you know) has been asking for a code on WhatsApp. This is to steal your WhatsApp account. Never share a security code on WhatsApp.
If you think your WhatsApp account might have been stolen and you are a member of a parish WhatsApp groups, please let our parish office know, by email or by phone. Thanks.

Father Arnaud Charbel
