The first Youth Alive Evangelisation Cell ran on 16 March 2018.  It was intended for 8-12 year olds, but 13-16 year olds insisting on attending!  Overall 53 students participated and 8 of the older children were appointed as Youth Cell leaders.  It was an excellent mix of primary and secondary school children.  

The young leaders are to respond to needs of the youth for relationships, events and opportunities, in a way that makes it easier for the young people to be themselves.  Together they will discern their gifts and be empowered to be effective servants as called by God, building up the body of Christ in the world.

The programme consists of

  • Cell Video
  • Learning about the books in the Bible
  • Reading Bible verses and analysing them
  • Prayer and worship
  • Delicious cuisine catered and served!
  • Question and answer sessions

Many asked for the next date so they can fit it into their already busy schedules!  

The parents commended the programme.  A feedback sheet has been designed which will be distributed at the next cell meeting to capture their responses.

The Leaders have been invited for further leadership training on working with young children, learning how to make a connection with them and how to encourage active Bible reading and analysis.

The programme has made an excellent start.  We express our sincerest gratitude to Fr John and to Mrs Moore who have provided an amazing opportunity for Catholic fellowship among young people of St Antony’s Forest Gate Parish.  If you want more information or to get involved please contact Olivea via the parish office (see the Contact Us page on this website).