RCIA stands for ‘Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults’ and is the programme of preparation for adults who wish to be received into full communion with the Catholic Church. This group includes adults who wish to convert to Catholicism from another Christian denomination, another religion, or no religion. We also welcome adult Catholics who would like to prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation (if they have missed out on it at a younger age) and those who are already practising their faith as Catholics but would like to refresh their understanding of Church doctrine on key issues. There is no commitment to conversion required: people are welcome to follow the classes for personal interest without deciding to become a Catholic, this is often the case, for example, when people are married or engaged to a Catholic and want to know more about their faith.
For those who do want to become Catholic and receive the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist), attendance at the classes is compulsory. The classes take place weekly on Wednesdays at 7.30pm from September until Pentecost each year. Registrations take place over the summer but feel free to get in contact with the RCIA team at any time if you have any queries or wish to discuss your situation. You can make contact via the parish office or directly with the parish Youth Coordinator, Catherine Wallis-Hughes, on or 07807348223.
The RCIA process aims to bring people to an intellectual understanding of the Church’s teachings but also to draw them into a deeper relationship with Christ and initiate them into the life of the parish community. The catechists also offer guidance and support for people discovering their place in the Church as new Catholics. The group develops fellowship amongst the candidates and helps to integrate them into the wider life of the parish.