The Brothers of St John who run our parish are continuing their weekly talks on the Catholic faith from Tuesday 10th October 2017.  If you would like to deepen your knowledge of your faith, please join us every Tuesday night at 7pm in St Francis Hall (entrance in Lancaster Road).

Here is the programme:

10 October: Why be Catholic? – Br Stephen
17 October: The Eucharist at the heart of our life – Br Stephen
24 October: Mary our Mother – Br Luc
31 October: All Saints – Friends in High Places – Br John Jesus
7 November: All Souls – Mourning our Loved Ones – Br John Jesus
14 Nov: 7 Keys for Faithfully & Fruitfully Sharing your Faith – Br John Jesus
21 November: Adoration in the Book of Revelation – Br Anthony Mary
28 November: The 2nd Coming in Book of Revelation – Br Mairesean
5 December: The Nativity Scene in Book of Revelation – Br Michael Paul
12 Dec: The Fall of the Empire of Riches (Revelation 18) – Br Philip Thomas
19 December: The White Horse (Revelation 19) – Br Stephen