in News
Fiat 40 Women’s Group
If you are interested in joining other women in the parish for a Lenten journey of prayer, sacrifice, and sisterhood, come to our initial meeting on Friday 28th February at 7pm in St. Francis Hall....
If you are interested in joining other women in the parish for a Lenten journey of prayer, sacrifice, and sisterhood, come to our initial meeting on Friday 28th February at 7pm in St. Francis Hall....
Children’s Liturgy Training Morning will be held on Saturday 15th February11am – 1pm in St Clare’s Hall. All those who wish to volunteer for Children’sLiturgy are invited to attend. Speak to Catherine or Teresa for...
On 24 December 2024, Pope Francis inaugurated the Holy Year of Hope when he opened the door of St Peter’s Basilica in Rome. On Sunday 29 December, Bishop Alan inaugurated the Holy Year in the...
Celebrate the joyous season with us : Join us for a Magical Evening of Christmas Carols at St Antony of Padua Church, Forest Gate, presented by St. Antony’s Gospel Choir accompanied by Live Band on...
The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary will becelebrated on Monday 9th December because the 8th falls on a Sunday. There will be 2morning Masses as usual plus a 7.30pm Mass...
The Reverse Advent Calendar is our way to give to those in need in our local community, by donating food and goods. We hope that, at this busy time of year, it will prompt us...
Applications are now being accepted for teenagers who wish to receive thesacrament of Confirmation at the parish in 2025. The application form is available at this link: by scanning the QR code in the parish...
We’re looking for volunteers to help with our homeless shelter to welcome people,cook, make beds, and very importantly we require some male volunteers who can stay for onenight. There will be an information meeting on...
On Thursday 28th November at 7.30pm we will celebrate our Annual Mass for Deceased Loved Ones. You are warmly invited to come and pray for all those who have died over the past yearand beyond....
The 1st Communion Programme is for children year 4 and above. This is to prepare for their firstcommunion and first confession, which will be in May 2025.Please fill this form as soon as possible, and...