Easter Triduum at St Antony’s
Maundy Thursday 6th April
7.45am & 10am NO MASS
8pm Solemn Mass of the Last Supper
Followed by Procession to the Altar of Repose, All night prayer vigil
Good Friday 7th April Today is a day of fasting and abstinence
7.45am & 10am NO MASS
10am Children’s Way of the Cross Walk of witness (from Wanstead Flats, finishing at St Angela’s Convent)
3pm Office of the Passion (followed by confessions)
5.30pm Spanish Office of the Cross Stations of the Cross and confessions
8.30pm Office of Tenebrae
Holy Saturday 8th April
7.45am & 10.00am NO MASS
9am-12 noon Confessions
11am Rehearsal for catechumens
12 noon Polish Blessing of food
4pm Tamil Mass
8pm Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday 9th April The Resurrection of the Lord
7am St Mary Magdalene Procession
Holy Mass 8.30am 10.00am 12 Noon 7.30pm
3pm Spanish Mass
6.30pm Solemn Holy Hour