
Jul 2024
Newsletter — Sixteenth Sunday of the Year B—21st July 2024

Click here for our latest newsletter “Adoremus” Festival at Oscott College, Birmingham on Saturday, 14th September On Saturday, 14th September at Oscott College in Birmingham, the “Adoremus” NationalEucharistic Congress and Pilgrimage is taking place with representatives from diocesesacross England and Wales.Our diocese has been allocated a limited number of places for this event.If you would like to attend please contact the Diocesan Co-ordinator,Father Dan Mason at by the 1st August.There will be a coach leaving for the Congress from St Edward’s Church, Romford(RM1 4AT) at 8am on the day.There is no......

Jul 2024

Sea Sunday Click here for our latest newsletter CHANGE OF MASS TIMES DURING SUMMERFrom Monday 29th July there will only be one mass at 10am on weekdays,two masses will resume on 9th September 2024 Br Yakob’s Deacon’s Ordination:The Brothers of St John are very pleased to announce the upcoming ordination ofbr Yakob as a Deacon. This is a blessing for our community and for ourparish. Even better, the Mass of ordination will be celebrated here atSt Antony’s by Bishop Alan. You are all invited to the Ordination Mass here at StAntony’s on......

Jul 2024

Click here for our latest newsletter We read in today’s Gospel in Mk 6 : What is this wisdom that has been granted him, and these miracles that are worked through him? And they would not accept him. and he could work no miracle there, though he cured a few sick people by laying his hands on them. He was amazed at their lack of faith. Jesus came into his hometown, where people thought that they knew him well. But because they knew him well (or so they thought), it......

Jun 2024

Click here for our latest newsletter Mass and gathering to say farewell to Sister Diana – Saturday July 6th Dear friends, after over 18 years of service to St Antony’s parish, sister Diana will sadly be leaving us this summer for their community in Wolverhampton. Sister Diana has worked tirelessly over the years for some of the most vulnerable and needy members of our community through her parish outreachand as chaplain of Newham hospital. The humble service she and her community, the sisters of St Joseph of Tarbes provide, has inspired generations......

Jun 2024

Click here for our latest newsletter Our First Reading this week is taken from Ezekiel 17:22–24: I, the Lord, bring low the high tree and lift high the lowly tree.Our Responsorial Psalm is from Psalm 92: They that are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God.This week’s Second Reading is from 2 Corinthians 5:6–10: The lives of all are to be revealed before the tribunal of Christ.Our Gospel Reading this Sunday is Mark 4:26–34: The reign of God is like a mustard seed.Today’s Gospel......

Jun 2024
Newsletter — Tenth Sunday of the Year—9th June 2024

Click here for our latest newsletter Our First Reading this Sunday is taken from Genesis 3:9–15: Adam and Eve eat the fruit of the forbidden tree.The Responsorial Psalm is from Psalm 130: Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord.This week’s Second Reading is 2 Corinthians 4:13—5:1: We believe and so we speak.This Sunday’s Gospel Reading is from Mark 3:20–35: Whoever does the will of God is brother and sister and mother to me.Overall Theme: The readings for the Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time underscore the conflict between good and......

Jun 2024

Corpus Christi Click here for our latest newsletter Our First Reading this week is taken from Exodus 24:3-8: The covenant is established between God and the people.The Responsorial Psalm is from Psalm 116:12-13,15-16,17-18: God brings salvation.The Second Reading is from Hebrews 9:11-15: Christ is the mediator of the new covenant.This Sunday’s Gospel Reading is Mark 14:12-16,22-26: Jesus shares his Last Supper with his disciples.Today, the second Sunday after Pentecost, we celebrate a second solemnity, which marks our return to Ordinary Time in the liturgical calendar. Today is the Solemnity of the Most......

May 2024

Click here for our latest newsletter Reading I: Deuteronomy 4:32-34, 39-40 Psalm: Psalm 33:4-5, 6, 9, 18-19, 20, 22 Reading II: Romans 8:14-17 Gospel: Matthew 28:16-20 Overall Theme: In the readings, we hear the united plan of the Trinity to bring all mankind into His covenantal family through Baptism. Summary of the Readings: First reading: Moses emphasizes the unity of God as he asks the people if there has ever been another god who has done the wonders and signs that our God has. The gods of Egypt are not divine gods,......

May 2024

Click here for our latest newsletter Reading I: Acts 2:1-11 Psalm: Ps 104:1, 24, 29-30, 31, 34 Reading II: Gal 5:16-25 Gospel: John 20:19-23 Overall Theme: Pentecost is a high point in the Church’s liturgy because it is the culmination of Christ’s mission through the gift of the Holy Spirit who breathes life into the Church. Summary of the Readings: First reading: The feast of Pentecost is a Jewish holiday that celebrates the giving of the Law at Mount Sinai fifty days after the Passover. Similar imagery of fire and wind are......