Know Your Faith (also known as Symbolon) – begins 13 October 2014

One of the major challenges today in making our faithful Catholics stronger in their
faith is by providing them with a solid formation. When you get to know your Faith
better it affects everything in your life in a positive way, how you pray, how you read
the Bible, how you experience the mass and how you share your faith with others,
especially when people or family members ask challenging questions to you. Every
Friday night from Friday October 13 we will be gathering to deepen, share and
study important aspects of our faith.
The online gathering begins at 7:30pm when we watch a video from a leading
biblical expert/ theologian on a particular subject. Then we break out into little groups
to share and reflect together on some questions asked. We then come back to say a
final prayer together.
The subject this semester on Know Your Faith will be on understanding the mass. Have
you ever wondered what all the different gestures and symbolism mean during the
mass? Now is a great occasion to learn together on the meaning of the mass we so
often frequent, often without fully understanding many things.
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