Newsletter – Fifth Sunday of Lent A – 26th March 2023

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Holy Week 2023

Palm Sunday (April 2nd)
Procession with palms at 12 Noon mass

Monday April 3rd
Morning masses at usual times
7:30pm Interfaith Way of the Cross

Tuesday April 4th
Morning masses at usual times

Wednesday April 5th
Morning mass at 7:45am
(no 10am mass that morning)
(Chrism mass at 11am in Brentwood)

Holy Thursday April 6th
No morning masses
8pm Solemn Mass of the Last Supper
Procession to the Altar of Repose
All night prayer vigil

Good Friday April 7th
10am Children’s Way of the Cross
12 Noon Walk of witness (from Wanstead
Flats- finishing at St Angela’s
3pm Office of the Passion (followed by
5:30 Spanish Office of the Cross
7pm Stations of the Cross and confessions
8:30pm Office of Tenebrae

Holy Saturday April 8th
9am to 12 Noon Confessions
11am Rehearsal for catechumens
12 Noon Polish Blessing of food
4pm Tamil Mass
8:00pm Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday (April 9th)
7am St Mary Magdalene Procession
Masses at usual Sunday times
3pm Spanish Mass

Saint Mary Magdalene Procession on Easter Morning

Dear friends, there Is a beautiful ancient Church tradition that we the brothers have on Easter morning that we would like you to share with us. Like St Mary Magdalene, early Easter Sunday morning at 7am, we will follow in her footsteps as she goes to the tomb and discovers its empty and encounters Jesus risen from the dead. Marked by a time of Eucharistic adoration in the Friary Lawn and the morning office of Lauds, it’s a very beautiful and powerful way of beginning Easter morning. It will end in time for 8:30am mass. I

hope you can join us.

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