Newsletter – Sixth Sunday of Easter A —14th May 2023
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Our First Reading this week is from the Acts of the Apostles 8:5-8,14-17: The people of Samaria accept the Gospel of Jesus proclaimed to them by Philip. The Responsorial Psalm is from Psalm 66: Sing praise to God, all the earth. Today’s Second Reading is 1 Peter 3:15-18: Be ready to give explanation for your hope in Christ. The Gospel Reading this Sunday is John 14:15-21: Jesus promises his disciples that he will send them another advocate, the Spirit of truth.
Today’s Gospel is a continuation of last week’s Gospel: Jesus is speaking to his disciples at the Last Supper. In today’s reading Jesus offers encouragement to his disciples, who will soon see him crucified. He reassures them that even though he will leave them, he will not abandon them. Instead he will send them the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, through whom the disciples will continue to live in union with Jesus.
Jesus uses the term Advocate to describe the Holy Spirit, whom the disciples will receive. Another word used to describe the Holy Spirit is Paraclete, a legal term meaning “one who offers defence for another.” Note that Jesus says that he will send “another Advocate.” Jesus himself is the first advocate, interceding for his disciples with the Father.
Saturday Senior Citizens Club
Dear friends, for many years, every first Saturday of the month, the senior citizens of our parish gathered in Saint Francis Hall to catch up, have a cup of tea and a sandwich, play a little bingo and enjoy a social time together. These Saturdays are a very important part of the parish’s fabric and of people’s lives …. and a wonderful way of connecting people in a world that is increasingly disconnected. Unfortunately, due to Covid, this monthly rhythm was shattered, and now we are left to pick up the pieces and rebuild again and rekindle this rich tradition. From the first Saturday of October (Oct 7th) 2023, we will once again begin our Saturday club. If you would like to volunteer in any way, it would be greatly appreciated … anything from setting up tables and chairs, making sandwiches, spending time with our senior citizens, organising raffles and fundraisers etc. It is a wonderful way of serving and reaching out to the most vulnerable in our society.
Please let Father John know if you’re interested in helping in anyway.
St Antony’s Family BBQ July 1st
There will be a Family BBQ for all the Parish on Saturday July 1st on the Friary Lawn, from 12 noon. Please bring food to share, especially any meats to cook. (If bringing meats please bring them as early as possible as grilling begins at about 11am). The BBQ will take place on the Friary Lawn and will be followed by a family Rosary to end the day at about 3:30pm. All are welcome.
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