Newsletter —The Most Holy Trinity—-26th May 2024

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Reading I: Deuteronomy 4:32-34, 39-40Psalm: Psalm 33:4-5, 6, 9, 18-19, 20, 22
Reading II: Romans 8:14-17Gospel: Matthew 28:16-20

Overall Theme: In the readings, we hear the united plan of the Trinity to bring all mankind into His covenantal family through Baptism.

Summary of the Readings:

First reading: Moses emphasizes the unity of God as he asks the people if there has ever been another god who has done the wonders and signs that our God has. The gods of Egypt are not divine gods, but fallen angels leading men away from the Lord. In a kind of divine pedagogy, he affirms that there is only one God, preparing us for the revelation of the Trinity. The threeness of God does not diminish the oneness. Instead, it makes Him not a solitude but a family.
Psalm: The psalm speaks of the attributes of God in the first verse, but pivots to allude to the three Persons of the Trinity in the second verse.
Second reading: The dogma of the Trinity is pastoral because through it we come to understand the structure of our salvation. The Spirit in the sacraments makes us share in the Sonship of Jesus Christ to the Father. Additionally, the inner life of the Trinity invites us to self-gift, by this love we come to empty ourselves so that we may be filled by His sacrificial love. May we learn obedience in suffering by imitating Jesus so that through the Spirit we may cry out Abba, Father, as we carry our crosses.
Gospel: The passage recounts the classic Trinitarian formula of baptism while affirming that God will never leave us orphaned now that we are His children. Jesus charges us to teach others to live the faith by observing all that He has commanded.
Practical Application: You become like what you worship, therefore, if we worship God we will learn interpersonal self-giving love towards others. The Trinity is the highest and holiest of all the sacred mysteries. In contemplating the Trinity, we can begin to understand who God is and how to interpret Scripture through a Trinitarian lens.

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