Newsletter — Thirty First Sunday of the Year A-5th November 2023
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Sanctuary Renovation Works
We are very pleased that after such a long wait, the renovation works of the
sanctuary will begin this week !
The first part of works will last until Easter. It includes the full cleaning of the rose window in the Sanctuary, the cleaning of the large arch above the sanctuary, (still subject to approval), cleaning of the pillars, and the re-painting of the walls as well as improvement of the lighting in the sanctuary area. These are important works that will make a lot of difference. Praise the Lord !
The second part of works will consist in the restoration of reredos and reinstallation of the tabernacle in the sanctuary. These works will begin mid November but remotely : Alex Wehnam (, a reputable stone carver will work from his workshop to carve the stones, angels, and decorations. If everything goes well, the installation of the stones in the church should take place next summer.
It is very exciting to see that the works about to begin. Thank you very much for your continued financial support toward the building fund that makes such maintenance and beautifying of the church possible.
Thanks and glory be to God !
The scaffold will be installed this week and next week, beginning this Monday, which will cause some noise in the church between Masses and prayer times.
The scaffold should be removed before Easter.
There will be a few disruptions this week :
No adoration this week between the 7:45 and the 10am Mass, But there will be Eucharistic Adoration as usual in the evening from 6pm to 7pm.
On Monday 6th November, the church will be open only for Masses, and closed
to the public the rest of the day.
Mass for the Deceased of the Parish
Dear Friends, on Wednesday November 8th there will be a Mass at 7:30pm to pray for all those who have passed away in the parish, especially in the last 12 months. A display board will be placed near the sanctuary and we will be inviting all those attending to post images of their loved ones and during the mass we will offer up our prayers for the repose of the souls of our faithful departed.
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