Newsletter – Twelfth Sunday of the Year A – 25th June 2023
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Our First Reading today is from Jeremiah 20:10-13: Jeremiah expresses confidence that the Lord will protect him. The Responsorial Psalm is taken from Psalm 69: God responds to the prayers of those in need.
This week’s Second Reading is Romans 5:12-15: Sin came into the world through one person; so salvation came through one person for many.
This Sunday’s Gospel Reading is from Matthew 10:26-33: Jesus assures the Twelve that God cares about them.
This section of Matthew’s Gospel should be read in the context of Matthew’s intended audience, a Jewish-Christian community. The Gospel alludes to the dangers and persecutions that this community has most likely already faced and will continue to face. To reassure this community, Matthew recalls for them the encouraging words of Jesus that we read today. In this Gospel passage, Jesus might be understood as putting suffering in perspective. The disciples of Jesus are called upon to keep their focus on God. Those who can harm the body do not have ultimate power; God does. Still persecution and suffering can not be avoided or prevented. But Jesus reassures his disciples that God knows and cares about what happens to his children. We might not face the same type of persecution, but we do experience difficulties as we endeavour to live a Christian life. Sometimes we let the opinions of others prevent us from doing what we know to be right. We need the reminder that what God thinks about us is more important. We are reassured by the promise that God cares for us and protects us.
Family BBQ Saturday July 1st
On Saturday July 1st from 12 noon, there will be a Family BBQ on the friary lawn. All are welcome. We will end the afternoon with a family rosary on the friary lawn around 3:30-4pm. Please bring meat to be grilled or food and drink to shared. (If bringing meats please bring them as early as possible as grilling begins at about 11am). As weather will probably be warm, water and drinks especially welcome.
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