Newsletter — Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time – September 17th, 2023

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Evangelii Gaudium Day

Our First Reading this Sunday is from Sirach 27:30—28:9: Those who seek God’s mercy must be merciful toward others. The Responsorial Psalm is from Psalm 103: A song of praise to God who is kind and merciful. This week’s Second Reading is Romans 14:7-9: We belong to the Lord. Today’s Gospel Reading is taken from Matthew 18:21-35: Jesus teaches that we must forgive one another as God has forgiven us.

A New Pastoral Year Begins

Dear friends, another school and pastoral year has begun and we confide to the Lord our schools, the students and staff of our incredible Catholic Schools as well as our parish activities for the coming year. We pray for all the children who will be baptised, receive their 1st Communion and Confirmation, as well as all the different programs about to start up again.

Our Sunday Bible Study will be starting up again on Sunday September 24th. This semester we will be doing a study of the story of the Eucharist in the Bible, from Genesis to the Book of Revelation. Also, the Friday night online formation forum called Symbolon will also start up again very soon.

As many of you will remember, before Covid our Parish Evangelisation Cells played a big part in our parish life and future. Unfortunately, like many things, the pandemic deeply affected this initial dynamism and now we find ourselves having to regroup and relaunch this movement in our parish community. The future of our parish and of the Church’s presence here in Newham will depend on how dynamic our desire to evangelise is. If we fail in transmitting the Good News, we fail at the most fundamental and vital part of our calling as Catholics. Sunday October 1st, in honour of St Theresa of Lisieux, patron of the missions, we will have a Sunday especially dedicated to this task.

In October we also hope to relaunch our Saturday Club. If you know of any of our senior
citizens who would like to participate in an afternoon of fun, food, bingo and banter please invite them to come along on Saturday October 7th (More details on this will be posted next Sunday). Also this winter our Homeless Shelter will be open again.

There is a constant need for volunteers here at St Antony’s, and the list is long for daily and weekly tasks needed to keep our parish open and flourishing, from cleaning, serving the homeless, teaching catechism, coffee mornings, reading or becoming an eucharistic minister… Maybe the Lord is calling you to serve?

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