Our Bible Study begins again this Sunday 18th September at 2pm, via Zoom

Prophets: Messengers of God’s Mercy
Discover the Messages the Prophets Have for You
God sent prophets at critical times to call the people back to their covenant relationship. Prophets proclaimed the consequences of continued sin, called people to repentance, and declared God’s faithful love. They also spoke of the future to shed light on current events and to reveal God’s plans and purposes.
It is nearly impossible to understand the work and the message of Jesus without the
prophetic books. In The Prophets: Messengers of God’s Mercy, presenter Thomas Smith examines who the prophets were, their role during their time, and the meaning of their messages for our own time. Discover how God is constantly calling you to a deeper relationship as well as the ways you are called to be the voice of God to others.