
Why do we love this story of the 3 Magi?
I think its because this story tells the whole story…the whole story of the Christian life and even the human journey.
These Magi were astronomers but probably also astrologists, they were seeking to measure and understand the night skies but also seeking signs of God’s purposes.
They were attentive to nature and history and it’s signs and meaning.
God is speaking to us all the time…through nature, history and the people we meet.
We can take 5 lessons from today’s reading.
1st lesson
We must take the time to look, to search, ponder and read the signs. Very easily we fall into spiritual laziness. The most common verb in the psalms is “to search”, to long, to yearn.
These magi slept during the day and constantly scoured the skies at night with their curious and questioning minds.
2nd lesson
Once you have seen the signs and you know what you have to do, act, move, and go. Mary and the Shepherds went in haste. So do the Magi.
What if they saw the sign and yet didn’t act or move?
Travelling in ancient world was very arduous and dangerous, before one travelled you said your goodbyes and got your affaires in order. You never knew what could happen.
These men set out to cross deserts and mountains, they set out on the spiritual journey not knowing where it would lead them.
3rd lesson
Expect opposition when you walk God’s path
Herod calls them aside and sent them forward asking them to bring details back to him. Herod, puts on an act and plays a subtle politicians game.
He stands for all those forces opposed to Christ
When you walk a path selfishness, greed or violence the world will not resist you
If you follow “the narrow way”, Gods way, the path of love compassion, expect opposition.
The magi run directly into opposition, they find their way blocked but they are not discouraged.
4th lesson
When you see the star, when you discover what your life is about, you give him the best you have got.
The Magi offer their most precious gifts
They break open these coffers and present them to Christ.
God doesn’t want a bit of you. He wants the best of you. He wants the gold in you.
Give him the best you have, the homage of your life.
5th lesson
When you give your life to God expect it to change.
“They went back by another route”
Nothing is incidental in bible.
“No one ever sees Christ and goes back the same road home” Fulton Sheen
What do you give a God who has everything?
Well actually he doesn’t have everything.
There are 4 things he doesn’t have unless you give the to him.
To be a wise man or a wise woman, you give Jesus these 4 things this Christmas.
1. I give him my trust, because faith is a voluntary matter.
Ps 50:14
“I want you to trust me in your times of trouble, so I can rescue you and you can give me glory”.
2. I give him 1st place. 1st place in my life because that is where he belongs. He is God.
3. I give Him my heart
Ps 37:5
“Open up before God, keep nothing back, and he will do whatever needs to be done..”
Hosea 6:6
“I don’t need your sacrifices… I want your love, I don’t need your offerings, I want you to know me…”
4. Other People, you can guide other people to God.
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